Brought Together Through Social Media

Whether it is through Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat, social media has made a big impact on meeting others in our world today. I also believe social media has torn us apart from the people we love most. Spending more time up in your bedroom alone, hooked up to your phone, video games, or tv, instead of spending time with family and friends. The amount of hours teenagers spend on social media is unbelievable.

Meeting people through social media can be a positive impact. I have met a few of my friends, just through twitter. Although, meeting someone through social media can become sketchy. An example would be catfishing/pretending to be someone else. Meeting up with people through social media can definitely be dangerous, especially if it isn’t who they say they are.


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Continuing on the argument, social media can be detrimental to young kids today. The younger the child, that is connected, I feel, more of the negative aspects of social media have a bigger impact on them in the long run. I believe the multiple hours spent on Twitter, Instagram, ect, is a very unhealthy amount for kids these days.

The argument that I do agree with is that children can go to social media as an escape, which can result in positive and negatives. The positives is letting kids be themselves and post about things they enjoy, but it can also result in cyber-bullying and posting too much personal information.

Either way social media has and will continue to have negative and positive affects on people. It is just the way we humans choose to interact and regulate.

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